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Expired AMLA Memberships:

This is your AMLA president calling for assistance and action on your part. Due to not having organized AMLA meetings for the past 2 years, 99% of all AMLA memberships have expired. I am asking each of you to take a look at the membership list and renew your membership if expired. We really need to get back to a full block of members to make this great organization work.

The dues have been reduced to $25.00 per year. The board did this due in part to everyone having to deal with money issues. Your membership is needed to keep the ball rolling from year to year. I plan on placing this request on Facebook also.

There you have it. Not a hard thing to accomplish but something that we would like to see happen as soon as possible. I will report back to all of the members listed in AMLA in September.

Thank you ahead of time for your due diligence and assistance in this matter.

Sincerely, Charlie Hooah Poulton

Charlie Hooah Poulton

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